Thursday, December 17, 2009

you got that hollywood glow


I'm obsessed with Amanda Blank. From Philly. She's a rapper.

Here are some songs you should probably listen to and love like I do:

Something Bigger, Something Better
Lemme Get some
Big Heavy

Other than that, not much going on. I would get really into Amanda Blank right before Christmas, hahaha. Also, where did 2009 go? I have to say that I probably missed my year anniversary of this blog, but you know, that's ok. I'll do an end of the year post. woo--hoo2010!

Also, I finished my first semester of grad school-4.0. And also, 1/4th finished!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Mac and Cheese

I have four favorite foods:

1) Mac and Cheese
2) Steak
3) Sushi
4) French Fries

Sometimes, I have intense cravings for these foods. This evening is one of them. I NEEDED mac and cheese. perhaps it is because the temperature dropped. Perhaps it is because I am almost done with school, and I wanted to treat myself. Perhaps it is because my wonderful boyfriend can't be with me this evening. PERHAPS I JUST WANTED SOME MAC AND CHEESE

Because of this craving, I have selected going to a restaurant just so that I can have macaroni and cheese for dinner. I don't know what else I may be getting, perhaps a side salad. It doesn't matter; soon, delicious cheesy noodles will be in my belly and I will be too excited to even care.