Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's Not What's on Your Head But What's Underneath

I just took out all of my weave.

Yes, I have had weave (extensions) for ten months now. And I don't know if I was just sick of having long hair or sick of getting it done or sick of paying to get it done, but this week, I just knew that I wanted it out. I was done! I scheduled a hair appointment and thought "this is it. short hair." And I had a mini freak out in the shower when I realized how short it actually was, but. I'm gonna do it. Something about having fake hair has never set well with me; I was always worried that it looked bad or that people could tell. And I told people that I had weave, I was never ashamed. But it just didn't feel like me. Yes, I liked having long hair, but I also live my life very natural. I rarely wear make-up, I really just enjoy wearing jeans and a t-shirt/tank top, I don't wear heels very often; I'm just me. And having weave always messed with that part of me, the part of me that is very simplistic and takes max 25 minutes to get ready to go out (if I have my clothes already chosen). So, for me, this wasn't the best option.

Also, I kind of felt like getting weave was/is a scam. There are two different ways that you can get weave-glued on or sewed in. They are both expensive, but glued requires more upkeep, since it's just glued to your head, it tends to fall out a little more. I have had both options, but lately my last hairdresser kept being like "glued in is better for your hair" since sew in requires braids and then the weave is sewn to the braids. HOWEVER on an Americorps salary, glued in got pricey, as you really needed to get it done ever 2-3 weeks, and at close to a hundred each time, there was no way I could afford to do that. Plus, you have to buy the weave every once in awhile, so that also increased the price.

Basically, me choosing to go short is because of how I feel on the inside about my hair (I was feeling like a fake impostor) and because I'm poor. Maybe one day I'll go back to weave or HELLS BELLS maybe my hair will be long again like it was when I was in high school/the beginning of college. Who can say? I already know what hairstyle I want! Taraji P. Henson's hair at the Oscars really does it for me. I think it's super cute and there are long bangs involved, which if you have never seen a picture of me, I'm in love with my long bangs.

See? Super cute. And if it ends up not being as cute, it's just hair. Eventually it will grow back.


Married In Chicago said...

you look great either way! Its always fun to change it up. I think that hairstyle will look awesome...especially because your bangs *are* super pretty. Post a picture!

Lexie said...

i've always thought you look fabulous. and taraji is gorgeous - great hair inspiration indeed!

also you are way better at blog titles than me.

and yes, i was at BTS' place for dinner. LOVE HER.

Madeline said...

for the record, i could never tell! but i always like your hair short or long so i mean. do what you like.