Thursday, July 9, 2009


It's difficult to update anything when you have a busy schedule/are trying to finish reading Harry Potter before the midnight showing and are only on chapter 7 out of 30. :/
I'm worried I won't finish it, and my roommate Molly and I are reading it outloud because we both want to read it.

Anyway, on Tuesday, Patrick and I saw Jay-Z (note: Patrick is my boyfriend. I guess I can call him that in my blog.) And. It was AWESOME. Seriously, I really enjoyed it and I now have a really cute shirt to wear that will look GREAT with skinny jeans. I kind of want to wear it to the No Doubt concert but feel like that might be too weird. But maybe people will get it and I'll get Jay-Z shout outs. Anyway, I love summer, outdoor concerts, even if there is difficulty with getting as close as you wanted to. I'm really excited for No Doubt because they have seriously been my favorite band since I was ten, eleven and to see them is going to be awesome. Gwen Stefani is like my favorite, I personally think she can do no wrong and was jammin' to "Hollaback Girl" before everybody else thought it was cool. I still love that song and will STILL blast it on the radio. It's going to be super duper awesome to see No Doubt live, I'm going to enjoy every minute of it.

I was going to make a post eventually about Twilight and also now one about Jon and Kate plus 8 but i'm too lazy right now and would rather get on the telephone. Maybe I'll write one about my adventures with videogames tomorrow evening at some point too?

Oh, but also, I got into grad school. I keep forgetting to tell people that I'm going to Loyola University Chicago in the fall. HOLLER

1 comment:

Lexie said...

congratulations on grad school! what for?

also you need to make these posts!