Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pretty Young Thang, you'll be there for me

So today is the week that I have been dreading. It is the week I a) start graduate school and b) move from one apartment (Goodbye Humboldt Park) to another (Hello Wicker Park!) I am actually excited about both of these things, but to have them both happen in one week. Well. I am just not prepared. It's just so much. Do I have everything packed? Do I have books? Will my boyfriend stop complaining about not wanting to help me move? Can I gather enough strength to move class before my block of 4-9:30 classes on Thursday? Can I still play Rock Band 2?

Too many questions, not enough time. Today I went to Ikea to get stuff for my apartment, since at our last juncture, Kate took the kitchen table and chairs with her to Atlanta. Which is fine, because she bought it. So we got new ones today and I, finally, got a bed frame, so that I no longer have to sleep on the floor. Do I still need a box spring? Yes. A Desk? Why, half yes (Molly has one, I have to see if I like it. Really, I want that combination bookcase/desk thing that ikea has, but that will just be too big for my room, probably.) After Ikea, we came home and packed up clothes and things that we won't need for the rest of the week and put them in the new apartment and waited for Ikea to deliver our furniture, which came within two hours of the allotted four hour wait, which I thought was very successful. Then we came home and now I want to pass out. It's only 8 o'clock. I also woke up early though.

Anyway. This is life for this week. However, tomorrow is hump day meaning two things: an overwhelming sense of dread that I'm not done with everything and an overwhelming sense of almost relief, as the week is half over.


Lexie said...

ohhh ikea!

also wicker park is a neat place in chicago! lucky you gettin' to live there and all.

Stephanie said...

Movin on up! I went to Ikea this weekend and it was a great adventure. I really enjoy "aspirational" shopping. I've already picked out my TV/Library entertainment center for my next apt. I want to see your new place. You, me, Brian, Alisha and maybe Catherine should all do an easy dinner one night. We might even have time for Rock Band. Glad to hear the boy is well. Kisses!