Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Wanna Come First

I don't really have much to say. 2009 is a new year and I'm being less cynical than usual, although DO expect that Twilight post to come up soon. Cause it makes me mad everytime I think about it. Also I heard from my friend Paul that he read an internet rumor that Stephanie Myer gives 10% of her book profits to support anti-gay legislation.

Once again. PLEASE be a rumor, because I'll be really upset with myself if not.

Anyway, did I mention how pumped I am for 2009? CAUSE I AM. I am finally (hopefully forever) done with some things and also It's a new year! How can you not be excited? I think a new year is exciting because everyone sees it as sort of a fresh start and tries to be a better person, even for a little while. I've stopped making ridic resolutions (such as, I'm going to lose three pounds) but I still make some.

Resolutions '09:

1.) Try to see my friends more. This is a big deal for me, because I really kind of am a homebody. I enjoy going out but I also enjoy my house. Naturally, this wouldn't be such a big deal if I lived in the city and people could just come to my house. In any case, this resolution involves not being such a pansy about not getting 8 hours of sleep. Especially if I'm hanging out with my friends, I think a couple of hours of lost sleep is not a big deal.

2.) Eat breakfast every morning during the week. I have already started this one and I definitely feel the difference. By incorporating a third meal into your day, the most important meal, you are jump starting your metabolism. Pretty much that means that you can eat more (not on purpose) and also that you have more energy throughout the day. I already have felt this. I am hungrier on a regular schedule but also, I eat more. I definitely have more energy as LaShawn keeps saying "Girl, you got too much energy." (I will point out that she said that before.) However, I think I'm still the same weight that I was three days ago when I started this business, but we'll see.

That's actually all the resolutions I have. I always want to read more, but that's not really a resolution since I read a lot anyway. I guess I have the normal ones that everyone wishes for: to be healthy and happy. I've been pretty upbeat these past couple of days, even with the stupid drama (or not drama, depending on how you look at it) going on, so I'm pretty positive this will be a good year. And hey, I don't go to Knox College AT ALL this year. I have not and will not be an enrolled student at any point and time in this year. How cool is that?

Also, I saw Milk with Brian and I have to say that it is my favorite Gus Van Sant movie to date. Cause I hated Elephant and I've never seen Good Will Hunting.


Madeline said...

What I have learned:

Stephanie Meyer is Mormon, and TECHNICALLY Mormons are supposed to donate 10% of their income to the church. So if they decide to give that money to anti-gay legislation, then yes, but a) she might not be giving money to the church and b) that might not be what it's going to.

I know this thanks to Ken Jennings, Jeopardy Champion Extraordinaire.

The Grand Duchy said...

i feel iffy now about finishing the series. everyone is technically supposed to donate to their respective church a portion of their paycheck. at least that is true of the catholic church.

Stephanie said...

Seeing friends like me?! Also sorry I sent you that text about Knox... Never mind I guess.

Married In Chicago said...

making sure to come first is always the best policy :)
