Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When I come back like Jordan, Wearin the '45

Oh man. The bulls game last night was super intense. And Derek Rose fell over his fucking feet FACT.

So I haven't really had anything to say lately. I could work on that Twilight post that is legit coming or black hair or about being single, but I don't know. I'm not feeling super creative lately and there are things standing in my way.

Like swine flu. Just kidding. But I am tired of the hype over it. I'm not saying that it's not a legitimate concern, but I am saying that people do die from the regular flu all the time (or at least the strain we are used to). For advice: wash your hands VIGILANTLY and make sure you cover your nose and mouth. If you're feeling sick, don't go to work but also, go to a doctor to make sure you don't have any of the symptoms.
And yes, I do work in a health center. Can you tell?

But I think I'm going to plug my new favorite obsession: Texts from Last Night
Look at it. Read it. Laugh.

1 comment:

Married In Chicago said...

swine flu = boring

"new" news about the United States' use of water boarding = disgusting, but unfortunately not that surprising.

write something about that!