Wednesday, September 23, 2009

i wanna get myself out of this bed

There are many days of the week. Today is Wednesday, one of my favorites. Actually, Wednesday IS my favorite day of the working week, and has been since I was in 6th grade. Wednesday is when all the good tv shows come. In 6th grade, that was Dawson's Creek, which I continued to watch until I was a sophomore in high school. I'm sure those Wednesdays when I was a senior in high school, it was the O.C. (don't ask me what show I watched junior year on Wednesdays, cause I couldn't tell you). In college, it was Lost. Hell, it's still Lost. However, there is the addition of Top Chef and Glee and occasionally, trashy MTV reality shows. Also in college, Wednesdays was Senior Meeting, and that was always fun.

So what does me explaining all of this have to do with anything? Why, it has to do with one thing and one thing only: motivation. Wednesdays, for me, are not only the best day of the work week but they are also the motivating day of the work week. Because if you get this and this done, you are halfway through the week and also, look what Wednesday evening has in store for you! TV, TV, more TV and drinking/having fun with friends.

And I was motivated, believe me, I was. But at some point yesterday, all of my plans fell flat and I've been sitting in the library for the last hour doing nothing when I have a test in 2 and a half hours. Now, it's not like I've not been studying for this test, because, I have been. But as my sister and my father both separately brought up to me: there is no reason to not get one hundred percent. And they are both right. We received a study guide. Said study guide is basically the test with the multiple choice answers taken out (I know, it's grad school, I was shocked too). I filled most of it out from memory. I made flash cards. I was in it to win it until yesterday and this morning, when I decided I was bored with studying. What. Who have I become. I also came to the library to do some work for other classes. I can see this not happening, as I didn't bring one of my books and I don't care to read the articles online. Fine. Also, I'm procrastinating right now by writing this blog entry. How lucky! I probably am going to stop writing now and dick around some more on the internet and freak out about living while not actually living! yay!!!


Married In Chicago said...

reading this brought back awful flashbacks of my statistics exam yesterday. An 8 page essay test...for statistics. ::shudder:: i really hope your test went much better than mine!!!

Lexie said...

fyi: i just netflixed season one of dawson's creek. LOVE LOVE LOVE. the reruns used to come on during the summer but i thought i should do it justice and watch all seasons in order.

my fave day of the working week is thursday. probably cause gilmore girls night was thursday, and then grey's anatomy.