Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Will Be Your Accident, If You Will Be My Ambulance

So today I caught myself leaving work 10 minutes early so I could beat traffic. Also, everyone had left work way earlier than me but I had a dilemma that I don't even care to repeat cause it's stupid. Anyway, so I was like "YES! I'll be home so much earlier, I'll beat the traffic!"

Then I turn on the radio and Alex Quigley (who I adore, by the way) was like "There was an accident on the Dan Ryan. Sorry Southsiders." (He legit called us Southsiders too, I was like awesome)

But, what this is really about is the fact that when Alex Quigley said there was an accident I thought "fuck, why can't people actually fucking drive. God dammit."
And then immediately I felt bad for not worrying about the people involved in the accident first. What if they were dead? Like, why am I a bad person?
Maybe I'm not though.
It's prob cause I have to drive home everyday and it's starting to slowly kill me along with the fact that my generalized anxiety disorder makes me think about one thing and one thing only over and over and over again.
Sorry about the abbreviations.

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