Monday, December 8, 2008

My people are nordic

It is a running theme of my life that sometimes when I'm out at bars, I have an extremely dead face on. Rather, I show no emotion whatsoever, even when I'm with friends and having fun. For instance, just this Friday, I was at the bar waiting to get a drink when a man at the bar starts talking to me and is like "What's the problem?" and I'm like "Nothing."
"Life is too short and you're too pretty to not be smiling. Smile! You're at a bar!"
So I smiled for him because naturally, that's what he wanted. So I tried to be cheerful, really, I do. When he left, he told me to keep smiling because I was the most beautiful girl in the bar (which, to be kind of honest, was quite possibly true).

In any case, this is not the first time this had happens to me. Even people I'm friends with have asked me what's wrong; usually thought, it's older males who tell me to smile. This type of thing also happened on Mad Men to January Jones' character Betty. The guy was like, your face is just so sad to which she replied "My people are nordic."

I said this once when someone remarked I looked sad while at a party, but no one got it.

1 comment:

The Grand Duchy said...

i like that line. it is very fitting. even for you since you are obviously not nordic.